How Will Life Change After And Beyond Covid-19?

We may already be grieving someone who passed. We may be unemployed and out of food, but we’re so glad to be alive and free, but unsure if we’ll continue to be. Then what happens? How will life change after and beyond covid-19? Here are some ways to ground yourself in a new reality that might descend after Covid-19 becomes a memory.
I’m thinking that when my quarantine ends completely, I’ll walk out into a world with as much wonder as Dorothy did when her house fell on a witch in “The Wizard of Oz.” I’ll have as much gratitude as she did when she awoke at home, with Auntie Em wiping her brow. All of this time has seemed almost like a dream, too. But it’s not. I’m projecting we’ll all first walk out of our musty, crowded-but-sparkling-clean homes, full of guarded hope, but I’m also projecting we may have no idea where to go from “here.”
Our Jobs May Change.
As of this writing, more than 26 million people (and counting) have filed for unemployment since American businesses were shuttered in March. Many more do not qualify for benefits. The tragic truth: You may not have a job to go back to. If you are a small business owner, it may take a long time to reestablish your customer base.
Prepare now if you can. Look for new opportunities. While stay-at-home orders are in place, take advantage of the time to develop skills in a different field. With colleges and trade schools going to online classes and certifications, consider becoming trained in a field that will be in demand when the pandemic is over.
“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
–Albert Einstein
We must face the likelihood that the job market will be radically different, even if we are able to go back to our same positions. Start dreaming about and researching your next job.
Our Kids Will Have Changed.
Like adults, every child is different. S/he will handle circumstances according to individual maturity and ability. Most children are resilient and will bounce back quickly. Others may be anxious or afraid. In either case, they will take their cues from you, their parent. If your children—especially young ones—see you stressed and full of anxiety, they will follow suit.
Schooling, playtime, and family vacations may look very different after the pandemic, yet that doesn’t mean those pursuits cannot be enjoyed or even enhanced. Take time to help your kids adjust to new routines. Be patient with them as they come to terms with new rules they may not understand the reasons for. Give your children essential information without overwhelming them with too many details.
In Psychology Today, Dr. Leon Hoffman, advises us to listen. Listening to your children gives us cues about how to guide them through stressful times. Allow them to express their fears. Reassure them that they are safe, that life can be full of joy and wonder. Explain that having to adjust to new circumstances is a normal part of life and an opportunity to learn and grow from the challenge.
Our Sense Of Security May Alter.
Coming to terms with fear may be one of the more challenging aspects of life after Covid-19. Some have lost friends or family to the virus and must deal with the pain of loss. Worry and anxiety are not tied to the disease alone but the consequences. The financial toll taken on commerce will have an impact on our lives long after world economies open back up.
The ban was lifted to-day. No more …. masks. Everything open too. ‘The Romance of Tarzan’ is on at the Coliseum [movie theater] as it was about 6 weeks ago. I’d like to see it awfully. …. School opens this week—Thursday! Did you ever? As if they couldn’t have waited till Monday!
—Violet Harris, November 1918
How We Can Cope After and Beyond Covid
While it’s true that life will never quite be the same as it was from now on, life is never the same. It changes daily. Plus, here are ways to mitigate your fears, nurture a healthy mindset, and move on, just as our ancestors did after any past war or epidemic.
Feed hope, not fear.
Don’t dwell on all the possible bad things that could happen. It’s a normal reaction, but if we stay in it, it will drive anxiety through the roof. Worry will not change anything except our cortisol levels. We don’t know exactly what the future holds. We only have the here and now to make the most of our circumstances. Don’t let negativity dominate your thoughts; rather, cultivate gratitude and optimism. And find and move toward a new goal.
2. Get connected, stay connected.
Social distancing and isolation became the norm during the pandemic, though I prefer to call it “cocooning.” Yet it’s okay to stop being a hermit when given the green light. With proper precautions and healthy practices, we will resume activities and relationships. We’re old enough to know what our health condition is and how much daily risk is safe for us. Even then, maintaining relationships and communication with others remains imperative, and to a greater degree! If you haven’t tried social media or learned how to connect over the internet, now’s the perfect time to do so.
3. Take care of your health.
Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle not only affects your physical well-being, but your mental well-being. Many of us resorted to our favorite comfort foods—processed foods high in sugars and fats, and low in nutrients. They were available, easy to prepare, and made us feel safer. Confined to our homes, we may not have gotten the amount of fresh air and exercise we normally would have.Depression and a poor diet may be related. Make an effort to eat healthy meals, get out and walk or bike around your neighborhood or a park. According to the National Institutes of Health, Sunshine and Vitamin C, and Vitamin D are good for the immune system. Feeling well and pain-free has a large impact on our emotional and mental states.
4. Do something you miss or go where you’ve never gone before.
Even though there’s no place like home, we may be hungering for new vistas. If planes are flying, book a trip. If you’ve longed to see family members again, visit. There’s nothing like being trapped in routine to help us appreciate the ordinary rhythm of our lives outside our houses, or feel grateful in a moment in Nature beyond our backyards. There’s nothing like surviving a health crisis to nudge us on with things we’ve left on our bucket lists for too long. Do it. Do it now. Because what we have is this moment.
And keep a journal or diary like Violet did. It will help our descendants during the next worldwide pandemic. Or better yet, it will keep us aware that we need to contain the next one, and we’ll figure out how.
“Pandemic influenza is by nature an international issue. It requires an international solution.”
Entering the world out of the lock-downs may not be as dramatic as Dorothy entering the Land of Oz from her tornado-tossed cottage, but we’ve definitely been living in a black-and-white world that’s about to open up to technicolor again. Our eyes will certainly be open to a new and different world. What we make out of it will be up to us. The sooner we realize that the wizard won’t save us, but that we had Oz in our hearts all along, we’ll be on our way. We just need to adjust to it and realize all of its nuances and potential. Remember, it takes both rain and sun to form a rainbow.
If you’ve got the Covid-19 blues, especially if you are a creative person, leave me a short note here and your contact information, and I (Kathryn @ Ground One) will be in touch. I’m happy to help during this time of transition in any way I can.