Step Into Your Story!™

I'm Kathryn Ramsperger, and I invite you to step into your story with me.

What would it feel like to hold your first published novel or memoir in your hands?

I did in 2017, and it is an absolutely incredible feeling! Here I am the day I opened the first shipment of books!

What would it do for your life if you could write and travel?

Here I am in the Bcharre Forest in Lebanon. Khalil Gibran's home is here.

Here I am in Lebanon in 2006 doing research for my novel.

Again, I spent my life doing both. My writing career has taken me all over the world. Here I am in Beirut in 2006 and just last year in Berlin.

Here I am in Berlin on Thanksgiving Day.

Here are my kids in Berlin. They traveled with me there just last autumn (2019).

Do you think the best way to add a lasting legacy of peace and hope to the world is through your writing?

I agree! That's why my first published book had social justice themes. It won a Reader's Favorite award for social issues.


Psychologically and emotionally rich characters that will win the sympathy of readers instantly. Relevant social commentaries. Kathryn's writing is fluid, seductive, and engaging, scattered with excellent dialogue and vivid descriptions. It was an exciting read for me, and I grew to love the characters so much. 

Reader's Favorite

A love story to exist alongside the stories of war and terrorism, racism, and fear-mongering.

World Religion News

What the world needs now at this time of global change.

Colette Baron-Reid

Do you have a vision for your life that seems just out of your reach? Do you want to write, speak, teach, or coach?

Writing a book and becoming an authorpreneur is your road to get there.  All you need are the right mindset, tips, and tools. The hard part is already done. It's inside of you.

My job is to help you reach inside to your story, and pull out the gems that are meant to be your life.

Here's the thing, inside of your mind is a mental tape that plays over and over. It tells you what you're good at, where you're a failure, when you can start and when you have to put others and their dreams ahead of your own.

Today is the day when you take that tape and change it. Shift it. Delete it. And, create a new one. I can help you do that.

From that new place, I will help you create a new story, one that tells the true spirit of you. And, one that will take you to the new vision for your life. Together, we will get your words down on paper, or on the screen, or printed in a book. YOUR book.

How do you know you're ready?

You'll know you're ready to Step Into Your Story if you:

  • Have written a little all your life but had doubts about writing a book.
  • Submitted a book ages ago, in the land before the internet, and got a lot of rejections.
  • Battled with imposter syndrome, feeling like a failure, analysis-paralysis and still knew deep inside you was a book.
  • Talk to your inner creative spirit about your ideas, poems, blogs, or life stories and imagine where they'll end up.
  • Battle with little gremlins of jealousy as you watch other people write books and make money from them knowing you could do the same if you only knew how.
  • Listen helplessly to your inner critic who tells you you're not good enough, talented enough, smart enough to ever get published.
  • Feel blocked creatively, stuck somewhere in the writing process, and you can't get out or see over the top of the stuckness.
  •  And yet, you also yearn to give back to the world. And, you still want to go on...

It IS a long road, but the journey is worth it. I know where you've been, and I believe in where you're going. I know how to give you some perspective, get you back in flow, and help you reach the finish line.

Take that first step now. Provide your name and email below, and let's begin.

Together we'll create your story, get you into flow, and polish your craft.

Together we'll leave the road you're on and stroll down the path seldom taken.

Step Into Your Story!™


Step One

Tell Your Story

Find out the number one reason most writers don't get published.


Step Two

Share Your Story

What would it feel like to be someone's hero?


Step Three

The Story Begins

Learn 3 simple steps to resolve the communication challenge you are going through

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