10 Creative Solutions For How Not To Get Overwhelmed At Work

Work can be fulfilling and enjoyable or simply a necessity for paying the bills and putting food on the table. No matter the reason you work or how much you like your job, you’ll struggle sometimes with the responsibilities and demands placed upon your mind, emotions, and energy. Every job comes with its unique challenges. Or something else. Here are 10 creative solutions for how to not get overwhelmed at work.
Is it the hours or split days off? Are your co-workers difficult to deal with? Are there unrealistic quotas or deadlines that need to be met? If you’re in the customer service industry, is it those “special customers” that drive you crazy, or is it that you’re not getting the support you need from management? Regardless of the type of work you do, being able to isolate specific stressors will help you in coming up with effective ways to manage them. That’s how I work, and that’s how I manage people, departments, and businesses.
Prioritize the work flow.
Make a list of your monthly, weekly, and daily responsibilities. It doesn’t need to be a piece of art, but it can be fun to make it entertaining or beautiful. Put a star next to items that need immediate attention. These would be tasks that have looming deadlines or are otherwise time-sensitive. Attend to your starred items first.
For example, let’s say you work in the food industry as a server or host, determine what the priorities are. What is more important: greeting the couple who was just seated in your station and taking their drink order or bringing out the entrees that are ready for another table? Are you able accomplish both by welcoming the new guests and telling them you’ll be with them in a moment, and then serving the diners waiting for their food? You can use these kinds of strategic decisions in any daily work routine, even if it’s less fast-paced.
Make an action plan.
Go back to your list. At the start of the work day, write down what must be accomplished during your shift and then tackle them one by one. For a service industry job, establish a routine that covers all the basics so you’re not frazzled when things get busy and hectic.
Eliminate unnecessary tasks.
Are there time-killers woven into your schedule? They might consist of unnecessary meetings, going through emails, ineffective or unproductive steps in managing a project. Maybe it’s part of your organization’s procedures—not because it works, but because it’s always been done that way. Talk to a decision-maker to see if any redundant or un-useful steps can be done away with.
Delegate when possible.
Do you have co-workers who aren’t pulling their weight or people you supervise who could be relieving some of the burden placed on you? Maybe you’re a perfectionist who feels like you have to do it all in order to have it “done right.” Let go of some things. Teach someone else to take over part of your workload, whether it’s sending out reports or responding to customer emails or dicing up tomatoes for the salad bar! In fact, most assignments take a team; they’re not your responsibility alone.
Accept what you can’t control.
You can alleviate a lot of frustration by relinquishing control. You cannot control other people or the way a company (or your boss) runs things. Dwelling on the negative will only increase your dissatisfaction and feelings of overwhelm. Focus on (and feel grateful for) the positive things about your job, even if it’s only the paycheck.
Avoid problem people.
Unless you are in customer service and dealing with “problem people” is actually your job description, have as little face to face contact with co-workers who give you grief. If you must interact with the person as part of your work, is it possible to use corporate instant messaging or using email rather than speaking directly with them? Is it someone who has a difficult personality or is argumentative? Or maybe someone frequently drops by your workstation to chat when you’re trying to get your work done. Whenever possible, take steps to reduce face time with this individual.
Set boundaries.
Speaking of “problem people,” set boundaries. While you cannot control the behavior of others, you can control your own. If a demanding co-worker berates you or criticizes everyone, let him or her know that you’re happy to discuss an issue, but not when s/he is angry. Or with co-workers who wants to chat, firmly let them know that until you’re finished with your responsibilities you cannot visit. Treat yourself and your own needs with the respect that is due; learn to say no when necessary.
Make the most of your breaks.
When it’s break time or lunch time, pamper yourself. Get away from your desk and office if possible. Take a brisk walk around the parking lot. Relax in your car and listen to your favorite music. Drive to a nearby coffee shop or store you love browsing in. Use that alone time to regroup and re-energize.
Plan R & R for your days off.
Have some fun. Leave work behind on your days off. Spend time with family or friends or going out solo for a favorite activity. Of course you’ll have responsibilities around the house on your off-days, but weave some down-time into the mix. Have something to look forward to!
The best favor you can do for yourself is to call the shots for your own work-related responsibilities where you have some say in the matter, and to release to others the things that you don’t have say over. Dwell on the positive and be kind to yourself!
I’ve got more tips where these came from on my blog. I know to get back in balance. Now you do, too. If you want to know more or to work with me, feel free to contact me for a complimentary session to discover how I can help you lead a more creative, productive work life.