How To Write An Unforgettable Novel

unforgettable novel

What makes a good, unforgettable novel? Better yet, what makes a good, unforgettable novel great? Think of all the books you’ve read over the years; which ones stand out? What novels were real page-turners and which ones did you shelf or give away after drudging through the first three chapters? Was it the characters that…

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Is Your Narrative Is A Good Story To Tell?

good story to tell

Everyone has a story of some transformational event in their lives, something that helped shape them into the person they’ve become. Your story could be dramatic, like experiencing a death or loss, growing up in an abusive home, discovering a sibling you never knew about, or winning the lottery. Or perhaps it’s more subtle, though no less impactful, like…

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A Poem For Moms At The Holidays

‘Twas the day before Christmas And her husband was hacking. Her grown kids were all tucked in upstairs, napping, Dreaming of gadgets and clothing galore, But here it was, all stacked in piles on the floor. She’s given up singing. She’s given up dancing. She takes a deep breath. She needs to be wrapping. She’s…

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