Is Your Narrative Is A Good Story To Tell?

Everyone has a story of some transformational event in their lives, something that helped shape them into the person they’ve become. Your story could be dramatic, like experiencing a death or loss, growing up in an abusive home, discovering a sibling you never knew about, or winning the lottery. Or perhaps it’s more subtle, though no less impactful, like having a teacher who never gave up on you, living with a quirky family, starting your own business, or going to prom with the high school jock. How do you know if your narrative is a good story to tell? The question is not one of “Should I write my story?” or “Is it worth telling?” but rather, when and how to share it publicly. Consider the following when writing your narrative to ensure it is a good story to tell:
Is this the right time in your life and circumstances to share your story? Are you ready for being in the spotlight—and perhaps under the microscope—when going public? There is always a measure of notoriety, either for good or bad, once your story is
published. How will the telling affect your immediate and extended family? Will they be generally supportive? You may face some criticism, especially if any family members are put into a not-so-flattering light. A fine line exists between honestly and slander. Before writing anything negative about individuals involved in the events in your narrative, it’s best to consult a legal expert. Is the topic itself timely? Your memoir will garner greater interest if your experiences reflect current issues. For example, a memoir about how you overcame poverty as a young adult will have more appeal during a time of economic downturn than when the economy is booming.
Part of the appeal for your story will depend upon the audience you are trying to reach. People read for different reasons: to be informed, to be entertained, to escape, or to find solutions to their problems. Know who you are writing for and what you hope to achieve. You may be writing for yourself alone and want to achieve inner peace or a sense of accomplishment. But if you are writing to appeal to a particular type of reader, it’s important to understand the writing process enough to present yourself and your narrative in a compelling manner. Ask yourself why anyone would want to read your story.
Tell your story in a way that people can relate to it even if it’s not about something they have experienced in their own lives. Maybe you are writing about growing up in the deep South during the race riots of the 1960s. Readers who have never experienced discrimination or understood racial tension can still relate to your narrative if you draw parallels to things they are familiar with. Your reactions to those events in your life can be presented in such a way that your audience can relate to you as a human being, even if they haven’t gone through the same things you have.
Who is your narrative helping and in what ways will it benefit your audience? Does your story answer questions or solve a problem? Is it something that moves readers to action? Is the writing and publishing of your story cathartic for you or nurturing to your own psyche and emotional health? The telling of your story should be of benefit to yourself, your audience, or to the greater community at large.
Remember, you don’t need to have lived a difficult or dramatic life to write a memoir! And if you feel that your experience isn’t remarkable enough to be of interest, consider turning it into a fiction novel; this way you can embellish it and develop a gripping plot that is timely, appealing, relatable, and beneficial to readers. It isn’t so much the events themselves that make your narrative a good story to tell. The elements that make it good is wrapped up in the telling; it’s how you use language to
entice, compel, and touch a reader’s heart. You are the heart and soul of your narrative because it’s your life and how you experienced it.
Your narrative speaks to who you are and what your perspectives and discoveries can offer others. Stepping into your narrative is, in many ways, an act of courage. I can help you take that step! Contact me today and let’s get started!
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