How To Identify And Maintain Your Core Audience

Perhaps you’ve thought about writing a memoir or novel for some time, or maybe you already started. It’s both exciting and intimidating. A thousand ideas are running through your head about story lines and characters, anecdotes to include, and experiences to write about. Yet before you go any farther, there are some important things to iron out—foremost, how to tell a story with your core audience in mind.
Identify your core audience.
First, it’s important to identify who your audience is. Your audience consists of the people who will read your book and derive benefit from it. If you’re writing fiction–and even in most memoir– think about involving your readers. Can your readers identify with your protagonist (or you as the protagonist) and supporting characters in some way? Can you write in such a way as to immerse your reader in the world you’ve created?
If you are writing a memoir, think about who you want to reach.
- Can your readers identify with you on a personal level, even though they may not have had the same kind of experiences as you?
- Do you come across as real, authentic, and relatable?
- Who can benefit from reading your story?
- Will your audience clearly understand the message you are trying to get across as the events unfold?
Doing research into the demographic of your desired audience will help you understand your readers’ expectations:
For most non-fiction, readers are looking for answers you can provide. What problem or problems are you solving as you write your book? Will your audience be able to see your growth or transformation as things evolve in that period of your life?
For fiction, what is your hook? How are you going to draw your readers in and transport them into the world of your making? Do your readers want drama? Entertainment? Laughter? Escape? What are they looking for in the next book they read and how will yours captivate their attention?
Next, study your core audience.
Whether you are writing a memoir or fiction, study your audience before (and then later, as you are writing) your book. Determine what your readers want and then plan how you are going to deliver it. Now, you will not please everyone no matter how well your book is written. But you are not writing for everyone; you are writing for your core. Your core audience is the type of people most likely to read your book. You may also hear them called your “ideal readers” or your “avatar.”
For instance, if you are writing a memoir about the time you backpacked throughout Europe, your core audience is going to be those who are interested in travel. Yet not simply travel; there are many people who love to travel but would never think of visiting another country with nothing more than what can be carried in a backpack! Your readers would most likely be young adults, physically fit, and budget and adventure-minded.
Similarly, if you’re writing fantasy fiction about dragons and sorcerers and knights in shining armor, your core audience will be much different from readers looking for books with themes about the wild west with sheriffs, gun-slingers, and cattle rustlers. Many novice writers put the cart before the horse, asking how they can grow their audience without having first figured out who their audience is. One truism that often gets overlooked is that your story—no matter how compelling—will never have universal appeal. The same goes for movies, music, sports, and cuisine, among other things. This is why you must narrow down your audience.
Then, keep your core audience engaged.
Once you know who your readers are, know how to write for them to keep them engaged! If you are writing for travel enthusiasts, use language and narrative that exudes adventure. If you are writing for mystery lovers, ensure you are not giving away everything at once, but rather, take them on a journey of intrigue and suspense. And if you are penning a memoir, be emotive and expressive in your writing.
Finally, know how to end your story.
Have you ever watched a movie that had a weak ending and you weren’t quite sure what exactly happened? It’s disappointing, to say the least. Likewise, readers want fulfillment. They want resolution. Don’t end your memoir or novel with loose ends that leave readers confused and dissatisfied.
Writer’s Digest has some good tips in their article The Top Ten Elements of a Book People Want to Read. If you want people to read your book, you have to know who your readers will be and then tell your story with your core audience in mind.
If you’d like to talk about how Kathy Ramsperger, a book coach, award-winning writer, and creator of Step Into Your Story!, can help you identify your audience for your story, contact her by clicking here. Just provide your name, email, and area of interest.