How To Spark Creativity When You’re Feeling Tired
Creativity is a mashup of work and play, art and science, simplicity and complexity. If it were as easy as paint by numbers or a dot-to-dot template, it wouldn’t matter what your energy level was; you’d just yawn your way along while sipping coffee and coming out of morning brain-fog with a dozen fantastic ideas.…
Read More5 Things You Need to Know About Healing From A Divorce You Didn’t Want
The bomb just dropped. Those devastating words you thought you would never hear just blew up your dreams for the future: “I want a divorce.” Or maybe you saw it coming, yet it was still a shock. Sure, you knew your marriage had problems (or maybe you didn’t; maybe you thought everything was great), but…
Read MoreHow To Get Over Divorce Depression And Start Moving On With Your Life
Divorce is a harrowing and stressful event under any circumstance, and more so if it wasn’t what you wanted. Getting through the legal battles, negotiation, compromise, financial and emotional devastation, and life disruption is difficult enough. It’s a long-term transition. You may feel like you’ve been forced to leave a cozy, safe nest, and thrown…
Read More5 Reasons You Need Creativity In Your Life
(Even if you’re a research scientist…) We tend to see creativity as the ability to produce art, music, literature, and wonderful masterpieces of beauty and design. Or we think of our aunt or grandmother who could crochet an afghan, sew their own wedding dress, or perform with the community ballet. Yet it’s much more. It’s…
Read More8 Creative Solutions For How Not To Get Overwhelmed At Work
When you’re swamped at work, it’s easy to get into overwhelm, but it’s not easy to find a way out if you’re feelings are getting the best of you. Solutions don’t come from a place of panic. Some would advise using logic, a list or pros and cons, or deadline-driven priorities. But that’s just using…
Read MoreHow Effective Communication Skills Strengthen Your Personality And Self-Esteem
Think of all the things you do well. Are you a cook, an athlete, a math whiz, an author or speaker, a person who can repair anything, an architect or interior designer, a gardener? Why do you identify as that kind of person? Confidence? Now think about how you feel when you’re engaged in those…
Read MoreA Poem For Moms At The Holidays
‘Twas the day before Christmas And her husband was hacking. Her grown kids were all tucked in upstairs, napping, Dreaming of gadgets and clothing galore, But here it was, all stacked in piles on the floor. She’s given up singing. She’s given up dancing. She takes a deep breath. She needs to be wrapping. She’s…
Read MoreHow To Boost Up Creativity To Feel More Energetic
“I’m too tired to write!” I said with tears streaming down my face. This wasn’t ages ago, in my youth. This was yesterday! I’d forgotten that creativity is the key to energy for me…for a moment. Then today I remembered and doodled for a while, took a walk listening to Kundalini chants, and I came…
Read More5 Creative Solutions For The Most Common Divorced Working Mom Issues
Some of my blogs have investigated the special challenges working divorced women face. Here are 5 creative solutions for the most common divorced working mom issues. While the harrowing experience of divorce is tough on all parties involved, women face special challenges. Most divorced working moms must juggle financial constraints, parenting and childcare, relationships, and…
Read More7 Reasons Why Working Moms Have It Harder When They’re Also Divorced
Being a mom is a full-time, often thankless job. Being a working mom takes motherhood to another level. And there are reasons why working moms have it harder when they’re also divorced…reasons that earn them extra kudos and maybe even a superhero cape. According to Statista, children of divorced parents in the US overwhelmingly live…
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