Learn How to Boost Your Creativity
Are you yearning to be creative yet at a loss for how to make it happen? Creative & intuitive life coach Kathryn Ramsperger can help by teaching you her proven techniques for how to your boost creativity. You’ll rediscover how to let your creativity, imagination & inspiration run free just as they did when you were a child.
The light in a child’s eyes glows with creativity, imagination, and inspiration. Yet as the years pass, life can obstruct this flow, leaving us in a troublesome shadow land where ideas elude us. Competition and judgment may block our creativity as early as middle school. We may befriend a subliminal chatterbox that tells us we are no good at what we do and chastises us to delete every sentence before written, every photograph as it is snapped, and note as it is sung–preventing us from finishing any of our masterpieces, or taking away our ability to see its worth and beauty.
Creative people may build walls to escape the pain of frequent rejection, yet by doing so, may keep their creative process waiting at the gate, too. We may cut off sensitivity that feeds our creativity to protect our hearts through giving up—or worse, through addiction.
Let intuitive life coach Kathryn Ramsperger teach you how to Step Into Your Story to figure out what's blocking it.
Our Walls Start Early and Remain A Lifetime Unless We Tear Them Down.
Creative people may build walls to escape the pain of frequent rejection, yet by doing so, may keep their creative process waiting at the gate, too. They look for a way to boost creativity when it's just waiting at the other side of walls they've built. They may cut off sensitivity that feeds creativity to protect their hearts through giving up—or worse, through addiction. My processes delete our ancient, corrupted software and update and replace it. It's simple, and it's fun!
Join me! Let me teach you how to Step Into Your Story© to figure out what's blocking your creative desires and wisdom. It's simple once you know how.
First we rediscover your story.
We all have a story. What's yours?
- Have you buried it?
- Is your story serving you?
- Are you speaking your truth?
- Are others able to understand you?
- Do they even know who you are?
- Do they collaborate with you as a team?
- How is your relationship with your partner, spouse, or kids, and when was the last time you spoke about it?
- Do you want to share your art with the world but can't get it launched?
Then we find and identify your creative strengths.
We all have a style of communication with strengths and weaknesses. You probably know what yours is, but often it's difficult act on it or to improve it on your own.
- Are you an introvert or extrovert?
- Do you like to speak your words, or do you prefer to email or text them?
- Are you a visual or auditory learner?
- Do people see you primarily as a leader, a problem-solver, a challenger, or a listener?
No style is wrong. Every style has strengths, and these strengths can become even stronger. Yet it's also important not to ignore communication weaknesses. An introvert can become a wallflower. A person who challenges all the time can be seen as a bull in a china shop. A leader needs to listen. A listener needs to make suggestions. A creative needs to offer structure to a conversation sometimes.
Together, we'll figure out your unique strengths, and then we'll work to help them stand out at work or school, in your social life, in your art, and within your family structure.
Last, we teach you how to boost your creativity.
If you want to explore new ways to use your right brain, I'm a lifelong creative manager and teacher herself and can help. In fact, I chose to become an intuitive coach to connect the intuitive, the creative, and the practical parts of mind and spirit for others in my own work.
I've been where you are now. I've been rejected, even cursed at. I've sweated over insanely tight deadlines. I've sometimes been misunderstood in spite of every attempt at clarity. I've searched the Universe for the exact right word, image, musical note. I've stood—emotionally naked—in front of bosses, editors, publishers, and readers. Yet I've never been blocked for long. Let me teach you how to get unblocked to tap into the infinite well of inspiration.
"The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply. "
–Kahlil Gibran
If you're stuck on your own project, work with me to see how to get a much-needed boost over a creative block, receive a promotion or raise in a creative job, or decide what to do with that art project sitting in your bottom drawer. If you're an online Creative, or Authorpreneur, you may find the best way to boost sales in your products and services is to make numbers dance and words connect.
Good stories breed curiosity, instill trust, evoke shared emotion, and unite us because they make us FEEL. If customers get to know you and your story, they usually want to know more, and so they buy our products. At home, you may lapse into your communication comfort zone.
My creativity and intuitive coaching skills can help you step out of it and into new territory. Are you always complaining your partner, kids, or pets don't listen to you? I can help you speak up more or practice silence once in a while. Too much friction in your home? I can help you resolve it.

A new approach is a creative approach.
I offer a proven, cutting edge approach at finding any creative block and getting back into flow. I've coached Creatives 1:1 for almost a decade, and I've led creative workshops for most of my life. I'll offer innovative, practical solutions to any creative challenge you may be facing.
My experience ranges from crisis communication to branding, writing in every genre in both print and online, including social media. I've spoken and taught from the East Coast to the West Coast, from here to Europe and Africa as a 1:1 coach, as a manager, as a person brought in by large international nonprofits to team build and problems solve, and as a wife and mother in a multicultural family. I've brought her skills to intuitive coaching since 2009. Bosses and clients alike say one of my biggest strengths is helping parties (often caught in Catch 22 situations) find consensus, compromise and creative solutions to their communication challenges.
I've spent a lifetime learning how to boost creativity. In addition to being an intuitive life coach, I'm a published poet, journalist, and novelist. My stories and photographs have appeared in national publications. I'm also a classically trained mezzo soprano, jewelry designer, and syndicated blogger. Allow me to share her creative methods that will take your art, or even your daily work and communication, to the next level. And if you can draw or paint, please teach me to draw a straight line!
You're welcome to set up a chat to see what my intuitive, creative coaching methods offers that leads to a wellspring of YOUR Creativity.