How Can We Boost Creativity On Demand?

Creativity is one of those life forces that ebbs and flows like the tides. High tide can be beautiful and forceful, but it doesn’t last all day. It gradually gives way to gentle waves. We would love creativity to flow through us like a steady river, yet it seems artists, writers, musicians, and creative types often must wait until—like high tide—creativity carries us. We rush to grab our pens, canvas, or instrument before the moment passes. Does it have to be this way? How can we boost creativity on demand? Is it even possible?
Well, not always. But often. We can make our inner creativity more accessible when we need it. It takes preparation, but once the groundwork is laid, those large waves of imagination we hope for can be at our fingertips. First, we need to surround ourselves with the right tools and conditions that inspire us and get the ideas flowing.
Focus on these 3 areas and see if they give you a boost in creativity on demand:
Area 1: To Be
Be curious.
If, for example, you see a hummingbird out the window, instead of thinking,“That’s nice,” and going back to your previous activity without giving it another thought, take a few minutes to watch it. What can you observe? Take notes. Snap a photo. Get online and look up facts about hummingbirds–or maybe hummingbird as a symbol–and discover something. Curiosity opens our minds to new ways of thinking.
Be uncomfortable.
Stay willing to step outside your comfort zone to develop and strengthen your mental and emotional flexibility. Talk to people you wouldn’t normally talk to (someone with views other than your own) to gain greater perspective. You may not change your beliefs about a topic or person, but you’ll gain insights into why others are the way they are. It’s not only good for your mind, it’s good for your personal growth.
Area 2: To Do
Yes, the dreaded “E” word. Yet exercise does not have to be strenuous or time-consuming. Just move regularly, daily or even hourly. A stroll around your yard or apartment complex, a few trips up and down the stairs, or 20 jumping jacks stimulate your body and mind. Getting your heart pumping faster increases the oxygen to your brain, and that can lead to new and innovative ideas.
Change up your routine.
Are you right-handed or left-handed? Try eating, writing, or drawing with your non-dominant hand. Do you always take the same route to work,
school, the grocery store, or gym? Take a new way to and from a place you regularly go. A change in habit wakes up the brain.
Area 3: To Have.
Have Tools.
Keep all the tools you need close at hand. If you’re an artist, keep a sketch pad and your favorite medium near your desk and in your car’s glove box, backpack, or purse. Do you compose music? Make sure there is music manuscript paper and a sharpened pencil by the instrument you play. If you keep the tools of your craft on hand, you won’t have to spend time gathering what you need; you’ll have everything at your fingertips
when the high tide of ideas start to flow.
Have a creative mindset.
Creativity is more mindset than skill. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Humans are born with creative ability; it’s how we learn our native language—or several languages—and all the necessary strategies to talk, walk, run, ride a bike, and tie our shoes. Think about it: How many times have you run up against a problem at home, work, or school and figured out a way to solve it? Resourceful problem-solving is a form of creativity.
Once we grasp the truth that creativity can be learned, a world of possibilities opens up! The brain is a remarkable organ. We can transform and strengthen its neuroplasticity at any age. In a government study on training the brain to be more creative, it was found that both “functional and structural changes [are induced] by divergent thinking.
So, is creativity on demand a myth? Fact or fiction, truth or reality? The truth is that the more we flex our creativity muscles and create an environment at home or work that is conducive to the ebb and flow of our imagination, the greater will be our ability to tap into it whenever the need arises. There’s little magic in that. It’s scientific. Creativity takes practice, and practice makes progress.
Try it, and let me know if you enjoy it or find yourself with more ideas or more work finished. I’m always available to chat about ways to become more creative.