6 More Good Parenting Topics To Discuss Before Your Baby Is Born

In my last parenting article, we looked at type of delivery, sleeping arrangements, breast  vs. bottle feeding, responsibilities, childcare, and circumcision. This time, we’ll cover 6 more good parenting topics to discuss before your baby is born. You might have put these issues on hold or may not have given them much thought, yet if a…

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5 Keys To Increasing Self-Esteem And Self-Confidence

Self-esteem and self-confidence aren’t synonyms. Though a connection exists between them, they’re different. Esteem has to do with how we see ourselves in terms of worth and self-love. Confidence is how we feel about our ability to perform. Someone can have great confidence in their abilities and yet think very little of themselves, while someone…

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How Can We Boost Creativity On Demand?

Creativity is one of those life forces that ebbs and flows like the tides. High tide can be beautiful and forceful, but it doesn’t last all day. It gradually gives way to gentle waves. We would love creativity to flow through us like a steady river, yet it seems artists, writers, musicians, and creative types…

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Why Depression and Intuition Don’t Work Well Together

Let me tell you a secret.  Don’t trust your gut when you’re feeling out of sorts without getting to a more positive outlook first. And never trust your instincts when you’re clinically anxious or depressed. Here’s why depression and intuition don’t work well together. I’ll start with a real-life example. Even coaches have moods, and…

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The 5 Key Steps To Healing From Divorce

Divorce is difficult, even when both spouses want it. And the longer you were married, the more painful it is. You’ve lost a companion, a life partner, and an identity. Add to that the financial impact on your lifestyle, the loss of income, loss of mutual friends, and the emotional toll taken—especially if child custody…

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The 5 Keys To Good Parenting for Tweens

It’s that in-between age where your son or daughter is not quite a child any more, yet not a teenager. Children in this age group are starting to put themselves in the shoes of others, and think more abstractly. They’re also beginning to strive for more independence, rely on their friends, and be more resistant…

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10 Creative Solutions For How Not To Get Overwhelmed At Work

how not to get overwhelmed at work

Work can be fulfilling and enjoyable or simply a necessity for paying the bills and putting food on the table. No matter the reason you work or how much you like your job, you’ll struggle sometimes with the responsibilities and demands placed upon your mind, emotions, and energy. Every job comes with its unique challenges.…

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